Lemon Re-batch Soap

So, you may remember my Mother’s Day Cupcake Soaps I did a few months back. Well the second set of bases didn’t work out how I wanted and ended up seizing. This is where the mixture goes too hard and in this case, I struggled to get it into the cupcake moulds.

Photo 26-02-2017, 11 42 01.jpg

Instead of just throwing them away I decided to re-batch them. They still smelt great and were a beautifully calm, yellow colour.

Re-batching is a great way to re-purpose soap that did not work out as planned. This can include seizing, unwanted colour changes or extra soap that couldn’t fit in a particular mould at the time. Another way to use soap that does not look as you intended is to chunk. I’m not talking about throwing up here, I’m talking about cutting it up into small cubes and embedding it into another soap for texture and fragrance.

Below is how I re-batched my mixture to create simple bar soaps.



  1. I grated down the seized bases so they looked like grated cheese.
  2. I then used hot process to heat them up into a gel phase mixture. This can be done by placing the grated soap into a saucepan on a low heat in the oven.
  3. Once it reached the ‘apple sauce’ phase, where it literally looks like apple sauce, I placed it in a lined mould and allowed it to set over night.
  4. It was a small batch but it is now viable to sell and foams up quickly for a lemony fresh scent.

Photo 16-04-2017, 20 01 12.jpg

Have you ever had to rebatch? I’d love to hear your stories. Let me know in the comments what went wrong and how you managed to salvage the mix. Or if you have any other great ideas for re-purposing badly behaved soap mixtures.

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