It’s all we are talking about these days. COVID this and COVID that. But do we know why we are doing these things? Here’s a few reasons why it’s all worth listening to the medical professionals and keeping our country safe. I also have a few articles worth having a gander at to do with what’s happening in the world and fun things.
I am by no means a doctor or medical professional. This blog is just my opinion.
Social Distancing
Why bother?
Why social distance? What’s the benefit? I just want to see my friends. What could be the harm?
That’s one of the key arguments against social distancing. The problem with COVID-19 is that many people can test positive but have no symptoms. That means you yourself wouldn’t know unless you get tested. That doesn’t mean we should all run out and get tested just to see. Leave the tests for those on the front line who are doing all they can to help us.
How it works
I feel that’s where the social distancing comes in so wonderfully. It’s free and easy to adapt to. Missing your friends? Video call, try online video call games. Want to go shopping? Do it online, support your local businesses. Missing your partner? Take this time to expand your verbal connection and really get to know each other, while you can also make new friends online, using sites like which are great for this.
The way social distancing from those you do not live with works as a simple case of if you don’t get close enough to spread germs, they wont spread. Simple! As mentioned before, you can be positive for COVID-19 and not show any symptoms. However, someone who comes into contact with you and contracts it can. That person could be a stranger, a loved one, a family member with health problems. Is it really worth risking that 10 minutes of chatting down the shops for potentially someone’s health?
I feel the best way social distancing has been explained visually, is by this video.
Some people, including myself, are still at work. How do you social distance at work? Thankfully, companies have put actions in place to allow workers the space to keep the 2m distance between each other. Other places that may not have the luxury of space have come up with barriers instead. I know many banks and essential shop desks have a perspex barrier to help the staff.
Masks. Are they really needed?
The short answer is probably “no” for the majority of people. It’s obvious from the news that there has been a shortage of masks and other PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for front lines such as care homes and the NHS staff.
Other than the staff that require it, the only time you can justify wearing a mask is if you yourself have a cough and are trying to protect others from you. If you don’t need it, leave it for the staff that do.
If you really feel you need to wear a mask, even just for your own sanity, try making one at home. The internet is full of how to videos that can help. Check this one out from This Morning, it’s brilliant.
The Sanger Institute have also done some research to find out exactly where the virus gets in. This is so important to read as it explains why those with a cough should wear a mask.
Hand washing
I’ve already written a post about how to wash your hands and why it works so well against the virus. Check it out here.
The moral of the story is that hand washing and soap creates a slippery surface after the 20 second mark that then allows viruses to be washed off.
I’ve done a bit of research and found ways I can help incorporate essential oils that are known for their anti-viral and general wellness properties. I have combined these to make a fun looking hand soap. Watch this space.
I also personally use a hand sanitiser called Knuckle Duster created by M.C.C when I come back in the house after work or doing other essential task. This stuff smells amazing. This helps with cross contamination such as door handles or packaging. Simply spraying after having to move or touch something, gives me the peace of mind that I am at least reducing my chances of picking anything up.
New habits for life?
So after discussing all these recommendations we have put in place to cope with the lock down, will any of them last? Will any of them become new habits? Have you been more conscious of what you do or don’t touch? Have you been more aware of touching your face after being out and about? I know I have.
I would be interested to see who else feels the same. Lately, I have found myself opening doors with a covered forearm these days as a new natural behaviour. My partner in particular has become more conscious about not touching his face when out and about but then also washing his hands first thing when he gets in.
Has this new enlightenment of how vulnerable our immune system can be and how germs can so easily be passed on started something new? Will this be passed on to new generations? Let me know what you think.
Happy news
I want to end this blog on a high note. It’s not all COVID this and COVID that 24/7. Some good news has come out of the whole situation.
Captain Tom Moore
For one, I’ve been following the wonderful human that is Captain Tom Moore. He originally put a post in his local newspaper to achieve £1000 for NHS by completing 100 lengths of his garden before his 100th birthday. He has completely smashed that target and become a national hero! Over £29 million later and a smash hit record.

Air Pollution in Major World Cities has dropped
Another positive from the lock down has been the reduction in air pollution. Check out the figures in this article about global air pollution rates compared to last year. That has to be a good thing for the world.
- Delhi experienced a 60% reduction in PM2.5 readings compared to the same time period in 2019.
- The hours for which Delhi experienced “Unhealthy” rated air pollution fell from 68% in 2019 to 17% in 2020’s lockdown.
- Seoul had a reduction in air pollution of 54% compared to 2019.
- Wuhan saw a reduction in air pollution of 44% during its lockdown when compared to 2019.
- Air pollution in Mumbai was down 34% during the lockdown period.
- São Paulo was down 32% year over year.
Animals are back
People have been in awe of animals returning to cities and built up areas. Social media is full of deer walking around streets, birds back in parks and ducks in Venice. With less cars on the roads and fewer people on the streets, the wildlife is plucking up it’s courage to have a nosey around it’s old home.

Giant Pumpkins in Oz
The lock down has even sparked a friendly rival in pumpkin growers in Australia. They normally compete annually but due to the restrictions, this year it has been cancelled. Hasn’t stopped them rivaling each other from a the safety of their homes. Look at the size of that thing!

As always, stay safe and stay calm.
Let me know how you have been coping with COVID in the comments below. Have you got any tips or tricks you want to share. I’d love to hear about them.